snow white.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

(Skirt - All Saints Spitalfields; knit - Sabo Skirt; earrings - Lane Crawford)

Photos by Love Yaz - the only person I know who can create a beautiful winter day from an Australian spring. <3

Tonight seems to be one of those balmy evenings where summer refuses to retire without a statement (vacillating between humidity and intense pluvial episodes). On such days, I find it invigorating to be reminded that somewhere in the vast world, there are houses perfectly capped with soft tufts of alabaster snow, children playing with the crunch of ice beneath their boots, and pensive souls enjoying the serenity of the arctic chill...

Much love, Mandy. xx

Clash and harmony collaboration, part three.

Friday, 22 February 2013

(Wearing all Joveeba)

Photos by the beautiful Clash and Harmony.

Even despite the most vigorous attempts to abandon my infantile predilections, my adult (loose term, admittedly) life can be described most accurately as the summation of my childhood instincts. I still adore weekly ice cream runs (with an impossibly unrelenting fascination at the rainbow-flavoured variety), call my mum every day to recall the day's events and lament over the fact that I'm not allowed a puppy, and am still entirely convinced that I was placed on this beautiful planet to become an eye surgeon; all common denominators of the childhood version of myself. 

At a sartorial level, it has taken me quite possibly a good few years to ensure that my wardrobe didn't evolve into a deluge of various gradients along the pink spectrum but sometimes when I stumble upon such a saccharine piece like this pink knit top, I simply must succumb to my sweet tooth and all those candy-filled days of a halcyon youth...

I also did a little interview with the delightful Cindy from Clash and Harmony! You can find out more about the story behind my blog here

Much love, Mandy. xx

{recipe} : summer chocolate mousse.

Monday, 18 February 2013

I woke up this morning to the sudden realisation that summer is quickly dissipating, implicating a finite time limit to my summer-inspired blog posts that have been patiently pending. The bigger implication, however, is that I have been working as a doctor for four grand weeks now and that those tumultuous series of night shifts and erratic work hours feel like a euphoric haze of realised longstanding dreams. I'm not going to deny the fact that I return home utterly exhausted, mentally and physically, but there's a such a glorious satisfaction in knowing you've find your calling because you cannot conceive the possibility of life any other way.

Anyhow, onto more frivolous matters ... this dessert. I think chocolate is perhaps one of the less favourable dessert options during the sweltering summer days as it cloys too easily, and in my case, an inadvertent omission of mint leaves in the white chocolate mousse layer meant that the overall flavours were far too saccharine. The summer berries, however, are not only a lovely seasonal touch to an otherwise basic dessert but are also mandatory for their added acidity. 

In some ways, this dessert is deceptively simple - basically three different permutations of chocolate and cream with the dark chocolate mousse layer, white chocolate mousse layer, and the dark chocolate ganache but you do need time and patience to execute this. I am quite particular about the aesthetic element of the dessert so I was a little disappointed at the lack of congruity between the layers, but this can easily be rectified in the future with the use of a stalwart piping bag. 

I think I would still save chocolate desserts for the chiller months but this is still a worthy idea to keep in your dessert repertoire for laid-back summer soirees! 

Much love, Mandy. xx


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

(Top - Viktoria & Woods; shorts - c/o She Inside; cardigan - vintage from American Rag; bag - Mimco; sandals - Tony Bianco)
On my last sojourn to Melbourne, I was traipsing by the Yarra River en route to the perfect ice cream purveyor on one of those exquisitely gorgeous afternoons - I had just finished my conference and the river was scintillating with the warm afternoon sun. I don't usually have an affinity for vintage stores (fossicking for sartorial gems amid derelict interiors have little appeal for my time-impoverished self) but there was something about American Rag with its quintessentially American charm that had me drawn to its glorious array of meticulously hand-sewn sequined cardigans and utterly beguiling dresses from bygone eras. I was instantly enamoured by this gilded confection and was so delighted with my new purchase that I completely bypassed the ice cream store...

Photos by my favourite Tanya Constantino. <3

Much love, Mandy. xx 

Wish list : be my valentine.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Samantha Wills gift cards // Jordan Askill double heart ring // Rosamosario silk lace robe // Kitchen Aid stand mixer // Nicholas metal cap stiletto // Diptique candle // Byredo parfum // L'Avion fawn scarf // Vanessa Bruno waffle knit 

Boyfriend entirely optional. Ample credit card imperative.

Much love, Mandy. xx

Clash and Harmony collaboration, part two.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Wearing all Joveeba <3 

Photos by the exquisitely talented Cindy from Clash and Harmony.

Australia, such a land of polarities. It is so peculiar to think that only the day before I was shooting with Clash and Harmony, I was in the exact location at Sydney's Bondi Beach experiencing 42 degrees (Celsius) heat. How apt then that we ended up shooting pieces from Joveeba's gorgeous impending autumn/winter collection with the perfect backdrop of ominous skies...

See more of the images from the shoot here.

Much love, Mandy. xx

need : botkier valentina.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Botkier Valentina Shoulder Bag : make it yours here

I am a slave to pragmatic bag options so when I am working, I always lug ample bags that accommodate all my life's necessities - gargantuan diary, laptop, stethoscope, iPhone, my cherubic pomeranian-chow chow-shitzu puppy that is fluffier than a yeti ... I jest about the latter, though I wish I were actually in possession of such a dream specimen. 

Travelling is an entirely different story. I need to feel unencumbered when roaming around a new city whilst simultaneously exuding effortless style, which is why I gravitate to shoulder bags (my darling vintage Dior had the most whimsical time accompanying me last year) so that my hands can be delegated to tasks that necessitate authority, such as caressing swathes of silk in lush Chelsea boutiques or (even more importantly), clutching flaky croissants and the prettiest bunch of the palest pink peonies on the streets of Paris ... I feel these Botkier confections would allow me to execute these 'errands' with perfect ease ...

Much love, Mandy. xx


Friday, 1 February 2013

(Top - Finders Keepers; cape - Friend of Mine; skirt - Michael Lo Sordo; tiger and rose quartz rings and royal blue necklace - gifted by PREE BRULEE; rose butterfly ring - Thai markets; clutch - Dancing at Dusk) 

Photos by the one and only Love Yaz.

This has to be one of my favourite blogging posts to date as it involves two loves of my blogging life. The first needs no introduction - Yazzi, of Love Yaz, has been a pervasive influence since my blog's inception, responsible for imbuing so many of my images with transcendent beauty. Whenever she is behind the lens, she somehow makes me radiate with this natural golden light (trust me, one does not simply wake up in such a state) ... darling Yazzi, I love you and thank you for being such an integral force in my little blog's evolution. <3 

The second love is Pree Brulee, a company I have not yet had the pleasure of formally introducing my dear readers to. As a blogger, it is indeed a rare moment when you feel completely aesthetically in sync with a company's style ethos but when you do, there is an inexplicable synergistic magic that can make even the most cynical believe in fashion fate. As if this weren't enough, Pree - the company's genius founder - is one of the loveliest people I have met in the fashion industry and darling, I cannot wait to see what exciting things are in store for your beautiful company! <3 My dear readers, if you have not already had a peruse of their glittery array of jewels, you must do so now! You may thank me later. 

Much love, Mandy. xx